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Eve Twist’s Tucson

You are about to enter Eve Twist’s world in Tucson. The natural world of a spikey desert and stunning sunsets exists alongside another world, one of urban streets and city limits. Follow Detective Eve Twist sideways into the neighborhoods of the Old Pueblo. Scratch the urban surface and you are knee-deep in stories of crimes, murder, loss, and destruction. Like petroglyphs, Tucson’s urban past has been etched by its history and is all around us. And, as Detective Eve Twist finds out, that darker world of loss, violence, and murder is impossible to escape if you start looking.

Eve Twist, cold-case detective, made landfall one fall Tucson day. After taking up residence in this writer’s life, she invited others onto her stage, and the books were born. Since then, it’s difficult to say who the author is. Perhaps the books are co-authored, because the characters can be bossy and quite set in their ways. Attempts to coerce them or change their names can lead to their departure. Left alone, the story unfolds as each one enters and exits, and the drama is created. The 1986 BMW, the flip phone and yellow pad, scotch, an orange cat, belong to this writer’s world as well as Eve’s, as do her years in Berkeley.

Shari Popen

Photo by Peter Maxwell

Eve’s life is more retro than techno. This too she shares with the writer. She has the edgy humor of someone who can be surprised and amused by daily life, and she prefers real conversations over coffee or lunch. She never uses social media nor does she text, but she is not a technophobe or obsessive. Eve doesn’t use a smartphone, and the phone she has is often misplaced, but she can competently handle a computer when necessary. Beyond that, Eve reads paper copies of books, not e-books on Kindle, and likes to take time to slow down and think about things. The various characters who take their place in the books are thinly described, just broad strokes to bring them alive in Eve’s world. You won’t read details about how they look or wear their hair; they invite you to imagine their world and fill in the particulars. You will get to know them through their backstories, their relations with each other, and the cold case.

Eve, and this writer, were both trained as academics, but left the academy to live lives out in the open. Eve is not Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlowe, the hard-boiled, lonely tough guy who sticks up for the underdog. His world is the darker urban social life that followed the Great War. Eve’s Tucson world is a 21st-century urban place, not 1930s LA. But like Marlowe, Eve is more interested in what happened, rather than whodunit. The crime itself exposes something deeper, the slow, almost invisible, erosion of neighborhoods over time, ways of life fought for and partially erased, swallowed by the often-cruel forces of history. Eve straddles two worlds in Tucson, the one that was and the one that is now, and she playfully uses humor to keep her balance.

Shari Popen headshot

Photo by Sparky Carranza

Photos of real places are inserted into the text to bring Eve’s Tucson visually alive. Take a tour with Eve as she stops for coffee or lunch, goes to her office or the university, or turns up at a crime scene. Create your own Twist Tour of Tucson by following Eve’s journey in each book. And watch for the Eve Twist logo around Tucson that lets you know Eve was there too.

And so, here we are. The books will keep piling up as long as the co-authors have Tucson stories to tell. In each book, the wolf is at the door and Eve’s instincts are challenged. Maybe even shaken. Eve will time and again reach Tucson’s city limits, and her own, and must decide whether to stay within the lines or transgress.

Welcome aboard the Eve Twist Express. Find your seat and settle in to enjoy the ride.

– Shari Popen